Tim has been pastor at Worthing Tabernacle, Barton Evangelical Church Canterbury and Cheam Baptist Church before coming to Sutton with a group from Cheam in October 2015. He is convinced that the Bible, as God's Word to us, is the best means to the greatest end - that is knowing God through faith in Jesus and bringing glory to Him. In recent years he has had the privilege of ministry in Pakistan, Russia and Western Europe. Tim is married to Ann and they have three grown up daughters. He is an active FA referee, lifelong follower of Brentford FC and Sussex cricket and has a keen interest in British natural history.
Dave has been a member at Hope Church Sutton since the 2015 graft and an elder since 2019, having grown up down the road at Cheam Baptist Church. He leads the youth work at Hope, enjoying the privilege of teaching teenagers about following Jesus and the excuse for socials and camps and weekends away. Dave is an English Literature grad who enjoys reading, theatre and almost all sport.

Christy is originally from Hong Kong. She has always been thankful for growing up in a Christian family and studying in a church school renowned for the mission of leading children to follow Jesus, so that she could accept Jesus since she was young.
Before relocating to the UK in 2021, Christy received God’s call in 2018 and started her ministry journey in The Chinese Rhenish Church Kowloon in Hong Kong as a Children’s Ministry Assistant, followed by counselling training. She loves accompanying and supporting others in achieving spiritual and psychological wellbeing, as well as teaching the Bible to children, and is always touched by their pure hearts.
Christy is married to Ivan, and their greatest joy is to grow together in God as a household of faith and to serve God together. Among various ministries they take part in, both of them especially enjoy serving in Bible study ministry by tasting the sweetness of God’s words. Spending time on beach and taking care of their foliage plants are their other favourite activities.
Christy 生於基督教家庭,常為到父母安排她到一所致力引領孩童跟隨基督的教會學校學習,讓她有幸從小認識及接受基督為救主而感恩。
Lizzie joined Hope Church in 2017 having grown up in various Co-mission churches and youth groups. Before joining the team in 2022 she worked in marketing and as a primary school teacher. She has always loved sharing the gospel with kids and teenagers and has become very used to losing games on a weekly basis. She hopes to help the children's and youth work continue to grow and eagerly proclaim God's word. Lizzie's other love is being creative, she did a degree in textile design so enjoys the challenge of trying to make anything and everything.

Martin has been a member of Hope Church Sutton since 2015 when a group from Cheam Baptist Church joined with Hope Community Church. This was a return to Sutton with Martin having grown up and baptised at Sutton Baptist Church before several years living in Scotland.
Martin was elected to the Elders in July 2018. As a chartered accountant he took on specific responsibility for overseeing the church’s finances. Martin is involved also with the music group and both he and his wife Sharon lead one of the church’s community groups that meets on Wednesday night.
Kathryn and Gregor have been part of Hope Church since the beginning, helping establish the original plant in 2013 with others from Co-mission Churches. Kathryn grew up in South America and Gregor in Scotland, and they’ve both now lived in south London for much longer than they ever thought they would! They have four adult children. Gregor and Kathryn host a Carshalton community group

Zeb's family was resettled to Soweto when he was a small boy. Growing up under the oppression of apartheid he lived in danger. When he became a follower of Jesus he began to work for reconciliation, inviting white Christians into the township and visiting white churches. This again brought trouble both from the authorities and local people.
Zeb works for the South African consulate, is married to Johanna and they have three adult children. Zeb is elder with special responsibility for evangelism.

Hazel and Johann have been in Sutton for more than twenty years and have been part of HCS since it was founded. Johan serves as an elder and a bible study leader. Hazel leads bible study groups and Sunday school classes.

Ashley, Christina and their 2 children have been part of Hope Church Sutton since 2020. Christina serves in the children's church and Ashley serves through teaching the bible and hosting a community group. They are continually encouraged by how Jesus draws ordinary and imperfect people to build His church family by loving and serving one another.

Ralph has been a member of Hope Church Sutton since 2022. He grew up in Hong Kong and baptised in Fanling Assembly of God Church before migrated to the UK in 2021. Ralph loves connecting with brothers and sisters with Bible study. He also invloves in the Cantonese translation group.
Ralph is married to Wing and they have one teenage child. They host a Cantonese community group in which brothers and sisters can study Bible and pray together using their mother language.

Jordan and Emma have been part of Hope Church since it was launched in 2015 and have lived in Sutton since 2011. Jordan works in international development and Emma teaches at a local secondary school. They have four amazing kids.
Jon was born and raised in Sutton. When he’s not working in his day job in advertising, he’s pulling the strings from the back with ‘Better on Paper FC’, and is engaged to Jess. Jon is excited to see people meet Jesus in Sutton, especially through the work with teenagers and preaching.

Vikki and her husband Will joined Hope when it was just a tiny church and have loved seeing it grow and being part of the wonderful diverse community. Vikki and Will both grew up locally and have hearts for the vulnerable, both working in charities. Vikki also volunteers with Sutton Community Works, a local Christian charity which runs various projects such as a local food bank and jobs clubs.
Vikki has served in various ways in the church and currently chairs the Hardship Fund which was set up in 2020 to help anyone in the church family who is in financial distress. The fund is administered by a small team which is made up of Vikki, Sharon Campbell-Smith, Michael Cowley and Jacques van Zyl. If anyone in the church is in need of urgent financial help, they can reach out to the team or to one of the church leadership group for more information.

Vikki and her husband Will joined Hope when it was just a tiny church and have loved seeing it grow and being part of the wonderful diverse community. Vikki and Will both grew up locally and have hearts for the vulnerable, both working in charities. Vikki also volunteers with Sutton Community Works, a local Christian charity which runs various projects such as a local food bank and jobs clubs.
Vikki has served in various ways in the church and currently chairs the Hardship Fund which was set up in 2020 to help anyone in the church family who is in financial distress. The fund is administered by a small team which is made up of Vikki, Sharon Campbell-Smith, Michael Cowley and Jacques van Zyl. If anyone in the church is in need of urgent financial help, they can reach out to the team or to one of the church leadership group for more information.
Franco has been a member of Hope Church Sutton since 2015. Originally from Córdoba, Argentina, he became a Christian during his teenage years and went on to study Computer Science at university. While there, he worked with Cru as an associate student, sharing the gospel and studying the Bible with other students for several years. In 2014, Franco moved to the UK, where he now combines his passion for multimedia with his desire to connect the church community through technology.
He is married to Sole, and together, they co-lead an International Bible Study group with another couple. This group brings together brothers and sisters from different countries to study the Bible and pray. Franco and Sole are deeply grateful for Jesus’ faithfulness in their lives and hope to be a blessing to those around them as they serve Him.